Sunday, May 3, 2020

January 18, 1969. MACV’s Intelligence Collection Program graduates 1st Class for PHOENIX/PHUNG HOANG Program’s BIG MACK.

During the past quarter steady improvement was noted in the operations of District Intelligence Operations Coordinating Centers (DIOCC) and Province Intelligence Coordinating Centers (PIOCC) in support of the PHOENIX/PHUNG HOANG Program. In an effort to improve intelligence collection leading to a substantial upgrading of the Viet Cong Infrastructure (VCI) - Guerrilla data base, MACV instituted the Intelligence Collection Program, VC Political Infrastructure and Military forces (C), nicknamed BIG MACK (U). The reports rendered under this program on VCI, guerrilla and local force order of battle are in computer compatible format and should, result in more comprehensive data, more readily available to US. and Vietnamese agenoies charged with the attack on the infrastructure. During this quarter, the III Corps Tactical Zone (III CTZ) PHUNG HOANG staff opened a school for DIOCC and PIUCC workers in Bien Hoa. The first class completed the 92-hour course on 18 January. [291, p.4-5]

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
