Sunday, May 3, 2020

January 1969. First pacification and development plan/CORDS/Operation Phoenix/ Provincial Reconnaissance Units (PRUs).

This plan translated the broad concepts of pacification into specific, quantitative, goals. The eight objectives of the 1969 plan: to control and secure 90 percent of the population; to eliminate 33,000 Viet Cong cadre under Phoenix and other programs; to establish elected local governments in all villages throughout the country; to recruit the People’s Self-Defense Force to 2 million members and arm 400,000 of them; to bring in 25,000 enemy defectors under the Chieu Hoi (“Open Arms”) program; to resettle at least 300,000 refugees; to expand village-level propaganda and information efforts; and to improve the rural economy and increase rice production. [289] [314, p.343]

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
