Sunday, April 26, 2020

February 11, 1969. Operatiion Toan Thang (Bien Hoa Province).

 At approximately 2150, US helicopter gunships on an enemy reconnaissance mission, detected an estimated 100 enemy soldiers in an open area 11 miles east of of Bien Hoa. The area was illuminated and the gunships engaged the enemy with aerial machine-gun and 2.75-in. rocket fire. In the same general area, a US IIFFV recon element sighted an unreported number of enemy of enemy 122mm rockets in launching pens. The azimuth of the rockets was not reported. The rocket pens were engaged throughout the night by artillery, helicopter gunships, and US Air Force F-100s from the 3rd, 31st & 35th Tactical Fighter Wings and F-4s from the 12th TFW along with US Air Force AC-47 gunships. Numerous secondary explosions were observed by the crewmen during the strikes. The bodies of 50 en soldiers were sighted lying in the strike areas. [204]

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
