Wednesday, April 29, 2020

March 1969. HQ MACV Summary Overview for March Operations/III CORPS

Enemy activity during March was characterized by attempts to maintain the momentum of the offensive. Despite the enemy's efforts, his activity decreased gradually during the month. Most enemy activity involved indirect fire attacks against Allied military installations. Ground assaults and convoy ambushes were also attempted, but these achieved no tangible success. Elements of all four enemy divisions in III CTZ were identified in contact. All three regiments of the 9th VC Division were involved in engagements along the western Tay Ninh Province border. TliO regiments of the let NVA Division sustained significant losses in attacks on Allied bases and convoys in eastern Tay Ninh Province. The 7th NVA Division was involved in several attacks in the Dau Tieng area during the first half of March, and it was involved in numerous engagements with Allied forces in the same area during the latter half of the month. Two regiments of the 7th NVA Division sustained significant losses in those engagements. Elements of the 5th VC Division were contacted in the area northeast of the Bien Hoa - Long Binh complex. The 275th VC Regiment, 5th VC Division, sustained heavy casualties in contacts in western Long Khanh Province. Although the enemy expended a considerable amount of combat power in the offensive, regiment-sized enemy forces remained in position to make further attacks. As of 31 March, the enemy appeared to be evaluating the effects of the current offensive and deciding on future courses of action. [284] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
