Wednesday, April 29, 2020

March 1969. HQ MACV Summary Overview for March Operations/II CORPS

Enemy-initiated activity throughout II CTZ was light except for the periods from 3 to 4 March and 20 to 21 March. The enemy's most wide-spread and intense activity occurred during these periods and consisted primarily of indirect fire attacks. The most significant ground attack during the month occurred on the night of 3-4 Mar when the Ben Het CIDG Camp received an unknown number of mixed 82mm-- mortar and 85mrn artillery rounds followed by a ground attack. The attacking force, estimated to be a battalion, was supported by 10 tanks. Two of the tanks were destroyed and were identified as Soviet PT-76 amphibious models. One tank was destroyed by U.S. Air Force tactical air strikes and one was destroyed by tanks from the U.S. 1st Battalion, 69th Armor, at .the camp. The 66th NVA Regiment, which was engaged in significant contacts in southwest Kontum Province from 3 through 13 March, is reported to have suffered more than 400 killed during the month. A series of contacts in southwest Kontum Province, approximately 23 kilometers southwest of the Polei Kleng CIDG Camp, resulted in 112 enemies killed from 3 through 7 March. On 21 March, 13 kilometers southeast of Dak To, Kong Haring Village received from 150 to 200 rounds of mixed 60mrn and 82mm mortar and B-40 rocket fire, killing seven civilians and wounding 36 others. This village was attacked on 22 February, resulting in 78 civilians reported killed and 100 wounded. On 21 March, seven kilometers south of Kontum City, a U.S. compound received mixed rocket and mortar fire following by a ground attack by an estimated enemy battalion. On 22 March, sappers attacked a U.S. fuel depot at Qui Nhon. On the same day a regional force company was attacked by an estimated enemy battalion 17 kilometers north of Phan Thiet. The enemy lost 34 killed in the attack. A Hoi Chanh, who rallied on 27 March near Tuy Hea, stated that he arrived in the western highlands in July 1968, with a 5oo-man infiltration group. Most of the group was used as replacements. The rallier and 50 other men travelled to Phu Yen Province where they were integrated into units in the area. On 1 March, south-southeast of Bao Loc, a U.S. unit located a 3OO-ton rice cache. [284] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
