Sunday, April 26, 2020

February 17, 1969. Headquarters MACV (Capital Military District).

US, VN & Free World Forces (FWF) suspended official operations at 1800, February 16, for a 24-hr period. As of 1200, today, there were 128 enemy initiated incidents reported by US, VN & FWF. Of those, 53 were considered significant. As a result, 8 US soldiers were killed and 71 were wounded. Countrywide, in all incidents, 96 enemy soldiers were killed. Additionally, during the 24-hr suspension of official operations  which were terminated at 18:00 February 17, RVN, US, and FWFs  during the period 205 incidents were reported, of which, 93 were considered significant. As a result of the indicents involving US forces, 8 US personnel were killed and 112 were wounded. Enemy losses during the period were 216 killed, 19 suspects detained, 4 CSW and 49 I/Weapons captured. [204] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
