Sunday, April 26, 2020

February 1969. South Vietnam Summary of Air Operations.

February 1969. U.S. Air Force pilots flew 8,824 tactical air sorties in support of Allied ground forces, Marine Corps pilots flew 5,275 sorties, and Navy pilots flew another 479 for a total of 14,578 tactical air sorties during the month. Of the total sorties flown, 4,351 were immediate, and 1,839 were flown in direct support of ground troops in contact with the enemy. The aircrews reported killing 766 enemies while destroying or damaging 677 waterborne supply craft, and numerous enemy emplacements, crew-served and automatic weapons positions. Their air-delivered ordnance also resulted in more than 800 secondary explosions and 800 sustained fires. [204]

U.S. Air Force tactical fighter-bomber pilots flew 8,824 combat strikes in South Vietnam during February. Forward air controllers (FACs) reported the pilots destroyed or damaged over 6,000 fortifications and 500 waterborne supply craft. Air Force pilots also were credited with killing 618-enelq soldiers, igniting more than 500 secondary explosions and starting 668 sustained fires. Super Sabre pilots from the 3rd Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) struck an enemy bunker complex on 1 February while supporting elements of the 25th Infantry Division in contact with the enemy 12 kilometers (7 miles) east of Tay Ninh City. The ground forces swept the area and reported the pilots destroyed 27 bunkers and killed three enemy soldiers. An enemy base camp 6 kilometers (4 miles) southeast of Hoi An in Quang Nam Province was destroyed on 2 February by Phantom crews from the 366th TFW. The crews destroyed 36 fortifications, caused 3 secondary explosions and 5 sustained tires. Sixteen enemy soldiers were killed on 4 February by Super Sabre pilots from the 3lst TPW while supporting elements of the 25th Infantry Division. The pilots attacked a bunker complex occupied by the enemy. The action took place 5 kilometers (3 miles) northeast of Dau Tieng in Binh Duong Province. Super sabre pilots from the 37th TRW struck an enemy troop concentration on 4 February in Quang Duo Province 17 kilometers (ll miles) southwest of Duc lap and killed 20 enemy soldiers. A FAC reported that Super Sabre pilots from the 37th TFW killed seven enemy soldiers while supporting elements of the U.S. 4th Infantry Division 56 kilometers (35 miles) west-southwest of Pleiku. The pilots also destroyed 15 bunkers and ignited a secondary explosion in the strike on 7 February. Twelve enemy soldiers were reported killed on 8 February when Phantom crews from the 12th TFW hit enemy positions 23 kilometers (14 miles) west southwest of Song Be in Phuoc Long Province. The crews also destroyed eight bunkers during the action. Air Force pilots and attack helicopter gunships fired on an estimated 100 enemy soldiers in the open 18 kilometers (11 miles) east of Bien Hoa on 11 February. An Air reconnaissance element sighted an unreported number of 122mm rockets in launching position. The rocket positions and troop locations were engaged throughout the night by Super Sabre pilots from the 3rd, 31st and 35th TFWs along with Phantom crews from the 12th TFW, artillery and helicopter gunships. In addition, an AC-47 Dragonship dropped flares and fired on the enemy positions. Numerous secondary explosions were sighted by the crewmen. The bodies of 50 enemy soldiers were sighted lying in the strike area. A FAC reported Air Force and Navy pilots killed 49 enemy soldiers on 14 February while supporting ARVN ground forces during action 28 kilometers (18 miles) south of Phan Rang in Ninh Thuan Province. The Air Force pilots were from the 3rd TFW and 35th TFWs. Both units fly F-100 Super Sabers. In an immediate strike at 11 a.m. on 16 February prior to the 24-hour suspension of offensive operations, Air Force Super Sabre pilots and Phantom crews joined Marine A-4 pilots in hitting an enemy position 20 kilometers (13 miles) south of Da Nang. The pilots were credited with killing 38 enemy soldiers. The Super Sabre pilots were from the 37th TFW and the Phantom crews were from the 366th TFW. While supporting friendly forces on 23 February, Phantom crews from the 366th TFW killed 27 enemy soldiers near Tam Ky in Quang Tin Province. Province. The crews also destroyed eight bunkers, damaged two others and started two sustained fires. Striking enemy fortifications and bunkers deep in the Mekong Delta, 14 February, Super Sabre pilots from the 3rdTFW were credited with killing 12 enemy soldiers and destroying or damaging 43 sampans, 41 fortifications, 4 bunkers and igniting 3 secondary explosions. Eight pilots took part in the strike 55 and 59 kilometers (34 and 37 miles) south of Rach Gia City in Klen Giang Province. F-IOO Super Sabre pilots from the 3rd TFW at Bien Hoa and 35th TFW provided close air support for friendly forces in the vicinity of Bien Hoa Air Base on 26 February. Many tactical aircraft were scrambled in the day-long battle against total enemy strength in the area estimated to be battalion-size. Army Huey and Cobra gunships from the 145th Aviation Battalion also hit the enemy positions. Eighty-five enemy soldiers were killed in the action and 40 suspects detained. In a strike 6 kilometers (4 miles) south of Quang Ngai City supporting elements of the AMERICAL Division, on 28 February, Phantom crews and Super Sabre pilots reportedly destroyed 69 fortifications, 8 bunkers and set off a secondary explosion. The Phantom crews were from the 366th TFW and the Super Sabre pilots were from the 37th TFW. Navy pilots from Seventh Fleet aircraft carriers flew a total of 479 sorties against enemy targets -- mostly in the northernmost I Corps provinces. High altitude bombing and radar-controlled ordnance drops, however, prevented most bomb damage assessments. Almost all of the strikes flown during the month were in support of 3rd Marine Division and other Allied troops operating in the I Corps area. Targets hit included enemy troop positions, fortifications, automatic weapons sites, infiltration routes, and supply caches. U.S. Marine Corps pilots from the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing carried out strikes against en~ targets throughout the northern sector of South Vietnam during the month. The aircrews reported destroying or damaging more than 30 enemy sampans, 1,700 fortifications, and igniting more than 100 secondary explosions and 160 sustained fires. In addition, 244 enemy soldiers were reported' killed. B-52 MISSIONS One hundred and ninety-five (195) missions were flown during the month by Air Force B-52s. Of these missions, 144: were directed against enemy targets in the III Corps Tactical Zone, 18 in II CTZ, 23 in I CTZ, and 10 in IV CTZ.

 Source: Headquarters US military assistance command monthly Vietnam summary. February 1969.

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
