Monday, April 27, 2020

July 1, 1969. Effects of Enemy Anti-Aircraft Weapons.

On 1 July 1969 a statistical study was initiated by II FFORCEV Artillery for the purpose of analyzing anti-aircraft activities within III CTZ. The study presented an analysis of those activities in terms of the number of aircraft engaged, altitude of engagement, type of weapons used and geographic areas of activity. The statistics analyzed were on a daily basis for May and June 1969 and on a weekly basis from January 1968 through June 1969. It was found that for the period analyzed: [280]
1. The enemy was able to hit 32% and down 12% of those aircraft fired on (715 aircraft in May and June 1969).
2. Most aircraft (56%) received fire at low altitudes 0-499 ft).
3. Aircraft received the majority of fire (55%) from small arms fire and the largest percent of aircraft (37%) wore downed by small arms.
4. Automatic weapons and heavy machine guns, although utilized to a lesser degree, seemed to be more effective than small arms.
5. Although some high points of anti-aircraft attacks did coincide with high points of attacks by fire (rockets and mortars on allied installations), no trend could be determined.
6. Enemy anti-aircraft activity increased with the increase in aircraft assets in III CTZ.
7. Specific geographic areas of III CTZ were identified as high density anti-aircraft activity areas and generally correspond with the disposition of enemy forces. A map depicting high density anti-aircraft activity areas is attached as enclosure 8.
8. Heavier anti-aircraft weapons were used more frequently in border areas.
9. Some anti-aircraft attacks were repeatedly initiated from the same specific terrain locations.

Source: Operational Lessons Learned, Headquarters, II Field Force Vietnam Artillery for Period Ending 31

Image: High density anti-aircraft activity areas

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
