Wednesday, April 29, 2020

July 29, 1969 – August 30, 1969. Operation Camden II/5RAR.

5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment operation to protect a land clearing team (US), and conduct reconnaissance in force (RIF) operations to locate and destroy VC main force units in AO (Area Operations) Operation Mindy between Route 15 (Saigon to Vũng Tàu), Route 2 (Ba Ria to Xuyen Moc) and Route 1. [40] [230] AO Mindy was defined by a ten thousand metre circle around the Fire Support Base Polly. This area, known to the VC as the Hat Dich Secret Zone, has been an enemy haven and stronghold ever since the days of the Viet Minh war. It is to the enemy both an operational base area, and an important logistic support area, since it is situated between Route 15 (Saigon to Vung Tau), Route 2 (Baria to Xuyen Moc) and Route 1 (of 'street without joy' fame). These roads are vital to the VC as it is along these that their supplies are transported to the villages of Thai Tien, Tham Tien, Phuoc My and Tham Phouc on Route 15 and Binh Ba, Ngai Giao and Xa Bang on Route 2. The population of these villages, being sympathetic to the communist cause, provided distribution points for their organization. During previous operations, particularly Operation Goodwood by 9RAR, 1 ATF gathered a great deal of information on enemy patterns of activity and base camps. Consequently a plan was drawn up to deny the enemy his major base areas by clearing the area with bulldozers. About thirty Caterpillar D8's with Rome ploughs, and the appropriate repair and recover facilities, made up the 501 Engineer Company (US). This Land Clearing Team (LCT) was in direct support of 5RAR. Most enemy units subordinate to MR7 headquarters was known to use the area. Units of particular importance to 5RAR were the 700 strong 274 VC Regiment, and Headquarters Sub Region 4 which had a total strength with its three battalions and supporting units of some 1,100 men. The D67- Engineer Battalion was known to be still in the southern part of the AO, and C41 Chau Duc District Company was known to be on our south-east boundary. The CO's concept of Operation Camden was that one of his companies was to remain in the Night- Defensive Position (NDP) of the LCT and patrol out from it day and night. A second company was to clear enemy from the areas to be land cleared at a later date. The third company was to conduct RIF operations in the AO to locate the enemy main force. The fourth rifle company, B Company, was initially detached to train the 2/52 Regiment of 18 ARVN Division at the Horseshoe. On the 29 July C and D companies with the Tactical Headquarters flew into the location of the future NDP which was known as Cambrai and was being secured by B Company 9RAR. By 31 July the fire support base named Polly had been established. During the building of the base, an enemy mine consisting of twenty pounds of Chicom explosive connected to a tilt switch and five 82mm. mortar bombs was detected before it was detonated. At 1615 hours 7 Platoon C Company contacted an enemy unit of platoon strength in a bunker system. Despite very aggressive reaction by 7 Platoon the enemy fired accurate RPGs and machine guns which forced 7 Platoon to withdraw to evacuate their casualties. Private J. McMillan was killed in that action. Three enemy bodies were found. *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
