Sunday, April 26, 2020

February 13, 1969 - February 14, 1969. Operation Dewey Canyon. (Quang Tri Province).

At 1425, a company from the US 9th Regt, 3rd Marine Division, conducted a sweep operation 29 miles SSW of Quang Tri City, engaging an estimated platoon occupying defense positions. The enemy force, in gray uniforms, employed automatic weapons and 60mm mortar fire against the Marines. At an unreported time later, the enemy was forced from his positions and withdrew. Engagement results included 15 enemy killed, US 6 KIA and 6 WIA. At 2300, elements of the US 9th Regiment, 3rd Marine Division in night defense positions 29 miles SSW of Quang Tri City received a ground attack by an estimated enemy company employing small arms, 60mm mortars, and RPG rocket grenade fire. The Marines returned the fire with organic weapons, supported by artillery. Action continued until 0130 14 Feb. when contact was lost as the enemy withdrew. Engagement results included 12 enemy killed, US 3 KIA & 2l WIA. [204]

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
