Wednesday, April 29, 2020

March 1969. HQ MACV Summary Overview for March Operations/Navy Carrier Strikes/Marine Strikes.

Jets from the carriers USS Coral Sea, Ranger, Ticonderoga, Kitty Hawk and Enterprise flew sorties over South Vietnam during March, striking enemy positions throughout the Republic. Flying the majority of their sorties in the Republic's I Corps, A-4 Skyhawks, A-6 Intruders, A-7 Corsairs and F-4 Phantoms from the carriers hit enemy targets destroying or damaging 306 enemy military structures and 125 enemy bunkers. Other damage included 43 supply routes, 35 caves, 16 supply craft, and 735 meters of trenchline destroyed or damaged. The aircraft also ignited 40 secondary fires and caused 20 secondary explosions. On March 26, pilots from the USS Coral Sea and Kitty Hawk flew a combined total of 54 attack sorties, interdicting eight enemy supply routes and destroying 23 enemy structures and five bunkers. Marine Corps pilots logged 6,921 sorties, including 4,736 tactical sorties, during the month. The pilots were credited with killing 224 enemy, and destroying or damaging 2,269 fortifications, numerous weapons positions and supply craft, and igniting 222 secondary explosions and 335 fires. [284] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
