Saturday, April 25, 2020

May 12, 1969 - May 16, 1969. Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force (RTAVF)

Missions for the Royal Thai Army Volunteer Force (RTAVF) during the quarter consisted of security operations near Bearcat, Long Thanh, Binh Son, and along Highway 15. The RTAVF also conducted reconnaissance operations throughout its area. On 12 May at 0043 hours approximately ten kilometers southeast of Bearcat (YS239918), the 3-31st Infantry received mortar, rocket, and small arms fire. Return fire with organic weapons, supported by artillery and Spooky, resulted in 41 enemy killed and 17 small arms, 15 crew served weapons, and 452 rounds of small arms ammunition captured. Friendly casualties were 1 Thai killed and 11 wounded. On 13 May at 0020 hours southeast of Bearcat (YS239918) the 3-31st Infantry received an attack by an estimated enemy battalion, consisting of mortar and rocket fire. Return fire with organic weapons, supported by artillery, light fire teams, and Spooky resulted in 87 enemy killed and 3 small arms, 2 grenades, 1 mine, 24 HE rounds, and 540 round. of small arms ammunition captured. There were no friendly casualties. On 16 June at 0045 hours, an enemy attack against the 2-1st Infantry resulted in 212 enemy killed and I prisoner, 16 small arms, 25 crew served weapons, 823 grenades, and 6 mines captured. Friendly losses were 6 Thais killed and 34 wounded. [264]
Source: Operational Report - Lessons Learned, Headquarters, II Field

L, Force Vietnam, Period Ending 31 July 1969

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
