Saturday, April 25, 2020

February 25, 1969. 9th Infantry Divistion aka Black Panthers Division (Thailand).

The first increment of the Thai division known as the Black Panther Division (5,700 men) arrived in South Vietnam in late July 1968 and was deployed in the Bearcat area. The second increment of 5,704 men began deployment in January 1969 and completed the move on 25 February. This increment contained the division headquarters and headquarters company (rear), the 2d Infantry Brigade of three infantry battalions, two artillery battalions, and the remainder of the division combat, combat support, and combat service support elements. The division was under the operational control of the Commanding General, II Field Force, Vietnam. [261] For Thai participation in the Vietnam War, U.S. assistance totaled approximately $620 million which was made available to Thailand during fiscal years 1967 through 1970--$474 million in military-related assistance and $146 million in grant economic assistance. [262] Of the $620 million, at least $256 million in military assistance--an average $64 million a year--was related directly to the dispatch of Thai troops to --$224 million in material assistance for Thai troops, including vehicles, weapons, ammunition, construction of facilities, food, and transportation to Vietnam. --$32 million in direct cash payments to the Thailand Government for allowance payments to Thai troops and transportation, mobilization, and other costs. [262] For fiscal years 1969 and 1970, approximately $1 million was paid to the Thailand Government for family bonuses. These were special bonuses to be paid to Thai troops prior to their departure from Thailand for Vietnam. Ammunition costs are for furnishing many types of ammunition; however, the principal costs are for 105 mm and 155 mm howitzers and 81 mm mortars. For example, approximately 190,000 rounds of 105 mm howitzer ammunition, costing about $6 million, were issued to the Thai forces during fiscal year 1969. Also, Thai forces in Vietnam received an average 60,200 pounds of mail a month from Thailand.
In May 1967 a memorandum from the Counselor for Politico-Military Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Bangkok, to the Thailand Ministry of Defense confirmed that the United States would pay death gratuities to the Thailand Government as follows:
Officer $5,500
Noncommissioned officer 3,500
Private 2,500 *
Furthermore, it was determined that the US Government paid Thailand an additional sum of money for each individual sent to South Vietnam. These rates were as follows: 

Source: January 4, 1972. United States Assistance To The Government Of Thailand For Deployment Of Thai Forces To Vietnam. THE COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
