Wednesday, April 29, 2020

March 1969. HQ MACV Summary Overview for March Operations/IV CTZ

The level of enemy-initiated activity during March declined significantly from that of the last week in February, except for the night of 14 March. On that night the enemy conducted over 50 indirect fire attacks throughout the CTZ. The northern corps continued to receive the majority of the attacks, particularly in the Dong Tam - My Tho area. A cache containing 1,500 rounds of 82mm mortar and seven rounds of l20mn mortar ammunition was uncovered in Dinh Tuong Province on 5 March. In Chau Duc Province on 9 and 10 March a 2.3-ton cache of arms and ammunition was discovered along with the bodies of 64 VC. Another cache, containing 644 mortar rounds and B-4O rockets, was discovered in Kian Giang Province on 13 March. In Vinh Long Province, 96 enemies were killed in two separate contacts on 6 and 7 March. On 11 and 12 March, Allied operations in Dinh Tuong Province resulted in 57 enemy killed. An additional 126 enemy were killed during a contact involving a VC Yain Force Battalion on 23 and 24 March in southeastern Kien Phong Province. Also adding to the serious drain on the enemy's manpower in IV CTZ were the 2,706 VC who rallied to the Republic of Vietnam during March. [284] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
