Saturday, April 25, 2020

May 23, 1969 - May 24, 1969. 7th NVA Division/Fishhook.

At the beginning of the quarter the 141st Regiment was believed to be functioning as security for the 7th NVA headquarters in the Fishhook. The 209th Regiment was identified southwest of the Fishhook in an attack on Landing Zone Phyllis and in attacks on convoys in the area, while the 165th Regiment remained in the vicinity of Minh Thanh. During MAy the 209th Regiment moved eastward from northeastern War Zone C to a position southeast of An Loc. From its assumed sanctuary in the Fishhook, the 141st Regiment began offensive operations with an attack on the village of Minh Due southwest of An Loc on 23 May where it lost 50 men. The 141st Regiment was identified again on 24 May in a contact with the 1st US Infantry Division southwest of An Loc costing the enemy 96 killed. [264] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
