Sunday, April 26, 2020

February 21, 1969. III MAF (Quang Tri Prov)/Cửa Việt/Thạch Hãn River.

At 03:15 a U.S. Navy LCM-6 tied up at Cửa Việt causeway 76 miles NW of Da Nang was damaged by an explosion in the vicinity of the boat’s engine compartment, killing one sailor. At 04:00 two other beached LCMs were damaged by explosions. At 04:20 an explosive ordinance team (EOD) detonated another satchel charge attached to a 4th LCM, but yet at 05:48 a 5th explosion hit another LCM but failed to damage it. The explosive devices were believed to be Soviet-built limpet mines, weighing approximately 12 pounds with magnets attached to the bottoms of each landing craft. U.S. Navy personnel saw a swimmer in the water and fired on him. [204] A Communist attacker killed in the operation was found equipped with a Soviet-made underwater breathing apparatus and a Chinese-made head mask. Because of its proximity to North Vietnam, the Cua Viet became the most heavily mined river in South Vietnam. [204] [254] *

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Map showing Ho Chi Minh Trail, Sihanouk Trail and major air bases used by FACs. (U.S. Air Force)
